As the sole illustrator at Anomaly on the Jolly Rancher multi year national campaign our team won the following industry awards…….
2017 Effie award -Gold award “A New Media Model to Transform a Brand that Sucks” by Jolly Rancher/Anomaly Media Idea category
2017 4A’s Stratfest Jay Chiat Award - Jolly Rancher "The Hershey Company/Jolly Rancher - A New Model for the New Era of Communications: Transforming a Brand that Sucks”
Dec 2016 Ad Age Magazine - Ad Agency of the Year
Nov 2016 Mashable.com - The Mashies Award winner. Jolly Rancher - best in show 360 campaign - best use fo Short Form Video
May 2016 Digiday Content Marketing Award winner for best use of Instagram